Add Thickness to a Surface in Grasshopper

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to add thickness to a surface in Grasshopper, but I’ve run into some issues. Currently, I can only achieve this by using the Offset Surface command in Rhino, but this approach doesn’t keep the top surface flat, which is what I need.

I’ve also followed some tutorials that suggest using the Brep Join function, but for some reason, it doesn’t seem to work in my case.

Could anyone guide me on how to properly add thickness to a surface in Grasshopper while ensuring the top surface remains flat? Any advice or alternative methods would be greatly appreciated!

Adjustable Holes Grasshopper NEW(1).gh (9.4 KB)

You can achieve it via Move and Ruled Surface components, just FYI,

Adjustable Holes Grasshopper NEW(1).gh (16.0 KB)

Thank you! But I tried it with my model, it looks like this.

I built it based on your gh file. You can download it and compare it to see the differences.

I made some revisions to your Grasshopper file, specifically changing the placement of the point. However, it resulted in this unexpected outcome. I’ve attached the revised file (both rhino and gh) for your reference.
Thank you for your help!
Adjustable Holes Grasshopper (1).3dm (2.4 MB)
Adjustable Holes Grasshopper (1).gh (14.9 KB)

I think it may because the inner top surface turn out into a point. I am wondering how the same effect can be achieved in this situation.

Change the value of Unit X component from -2 to -1 and it will works fine.

Adjustable Holes Grasshopper NEW(1).gh (16.5 KB)