I get such messages if .dll is blocked (it is not), or lacks some dependency.
Dependency walker shows that the only file missing is:
But I have that file in the same folder as ‘Rhino3dm.dll’.
I tried with having both ‘librhino3dm_native.dll’ x86 and x64 versions in the same folder.
Still it the module couldn’t be imported/
What could be the issue?
Any help is appreciated.
The Win32 and Win64 should have the librhino3dm_native.dll from the runtimes directory
In case you didn’t know, we have a native CPython implementation of rhino3dm available on pypi.org. This is not a .NET based solution and is designed to work with CPython rhino3dm · PyPI
Thank you for the detailed reply.
At the moment I am intersted in .NET version, but it’s good to know about the cpython one.
So the librhino3dm_native.dll for Win32 folder comes from: rhino3dm.7.7.0\runtimes\win-x86\native folder, while the one for Win64 comes from C:\djordje\coding\libraries\rhino3dm\v7.7.0\rhino3dm.7.7.0\runtimes\win-x64\native?
If that is so, I still get the same error 'No module named Rhino3dm' after creating these two Win32 and Win64 folders with librhino3dm_native.dll in them.
Thank you Steve.
But with import Rhino how do I know if I am not importing Rhino3dm and not regular Rhino namespace?
When I print the names of all loaded references: print [assembly.GetName().Name for assembly in clr.References]
I get: ['mscorlib', 'System', 'RhinoCommon', 'System.Windows.Forms', 'System.Drawing', 'RhinoPythonHost', 'Eto', 'Rhino.UI', 'Grasshopper', 'GhPython', 'Rhino3dm']
Based on that the import Rhino3dm should work?
Hi Steve,
Yes, you are right. Sorry for not being precise from the very start. I intend to use Rhino3dm for an ironpython winforms application. I just wanted to write the code in RhinoPython editor, as I am used to it.
That was the whole idea, and not to use Rhino3dm inside Rhino along with regular Rhino namespace.