Add grasshopper plugins to Rhino Compute when hosting it up with IIS

@dadandroid @coroush @victorwanderleyb I wanted to provide a little explanation as to what was happening when trying to install 3rd party plugins and how we’ve decided to manage that process.

As @victorwanderleyb stated in his other thread, the bootstrap script was setup to create the RhinoComputeAppPool which is what IIS is using to run rhino.compute.exe when a request is made. His solution would technically work, but we do not recommend setting the identity of the RhinoComputeAppPool using the Administrators login credentials. Elevating the rhino.compute process to the Administrator level simply creates security issues that we do not need or want.

The alternative that we have come up with is to have the bootstrap script create a new local user account, called RhinoComputeUser. The bootstrap script will generate a new unique password for this account and then add this user to the RDP group. It will also assign this identity to the RhinoComputeAppPool so that when IIS runs rhino.compute.exe, it will look like it’s being run from that new users account.

When the bootstrap script now finishes, you’ll see the following message:

To install third party plugins follow these steps
  1) Log into your VM using these credentials (write these down)
     User Name: RhinoComputeUser
     Password: #This will be some unique password generated by the bootstrap script
  2) Install plugins using the Rhino package manager or
  3) Copy/paste plugin files to C:\Users\$localUserName\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries
  4) Restart the VM

Please save the User Name and Password above for your records!

So, basically you’ll want to save the user name RhinoComputeUser and password included at the end of the script somewhere on your computer. Log out of the VM (after running the bootstrap script) and log back in using those new credentials. Install any 3rd party plugins that you might want using the same steps you would normally take. Finally, restart the VM.

Please let us know if this makes sense and/or if you have any problems moving forward.