Yes, use the plugin object. eg like this:
import Rhino
gh_plugin = Rhino.RhinoApp.GetPlugInObject("Grasshopper")
if not gh_plugin: return False
if not gh_plugin.IsEditorLoaded: gh_plugin.LoadEditor()
then give it a litle bit of time to open. After this you can load a document like this:
rc = gh_plugin.OpenDocument(gh_file_path_name)
then import the namespace as described above. You can also check if this fails and stop eg use:
import Grasshopper as gh
print "OK, imported Grasshopper"
except ImportError:
print "Error, start Grasshopper first"
Once you have the grasshopper document object eg. mydoc
use this:
import System
# create the searchlist
search_name = "MySliderName"
search_list = System.Collections.Generic.List[str]([search_name])
# search and limit the search to one object
found_items = mydoc.FindObjects(search_list, 1)
if not found_items:
print "Component '{}' not found in document".format(search_name)
# return the single found object
return found_items[0]