Someone who visits a lot of clients has requested a way to erase the Rhino and Grasshopper recent file history, as some clients don’t like to see that their competitors are also being helped.
I wrote a small console app (to be run prior to starting Rhino) which erases all Rhino and Grasshopper recent file information. It should work on all installed versions, though permissions may cause some data to not be deleted.
We make absolutely no guarantees regarding this app, run at your own risk. This application will delete files from the disk and values from the registry. These are not undo-able operations.
This application requires .NET 4.0 or newer to run.
Thanks for sharing this tool. I see when running it; the console window remains open.
Would it not be better to auto-close the console window? That way it could be run via a .bat file or alike?
I have something dumb and easy… I have a folder called “ClearRhino” on my C drive with 8 empty files saved as geometry only, numbered 01 through 08 (so the whole folder is only 34kb). I have an alias called ClearRhino that runs the script at the bottom of this post. You’d just need to adjust the script to match the location of the folder. I close all my rhino work, open an empty instance of rhino, and call my ClearRhino command, and boom, the splash screen will only show blank images with names 01 through 08, and then only the files I open after running that alias will show an image and a name. Kinda stupid and simple, but it works like a charm. Here’s the script I made into an alias:
_open “C:\ClearRhino\01.3dm” -save GeometryOnly=Yes enter
_open “C:\ClearRhino\02.3dm” -save GeometryOnly=Yes enter
_open “C:\ClearRhino\03.3dm” -save GeometryOnly=Yes enter
_open “C:\ClearRhino\04.3dm” -save GeometryOnly=Yes enter
_open “C:\ClearRhino\05.3dm” -save GeometryOnly=Yes enter
_open “C:\ClearRhino\06.3dm” -save GeometryOnly=Yes enter
_open “C:\ClearRhino\07.3dm” -save GeometryOnly=Yes enter
_open “C:\ClearRhino\08.3dm” -save GeometryOnly=Yes enter
hey david… i find for rhino recent one solution… if you rename your files that they are displaying in Rhino recent window , you cannot see again them in Rhino recent window
Has there been any update on this? I have some files on OneDrive which I put back on the cloud and now OneDrive is automatically downloading them everytime I open Rhino because they are in recents…
That sounds right. Current versions of Rhino store that MRU files list in the %AppData%\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\settings\settings-Scheme__Default.xml file.
You could manually delete the file names from that xml file or possibly use your favorite scripting language to parse the file and delete the names.