A fun deep dive into randomness

I saw this video on social media (sorry, don’t know who the original author is), and thought id try to recreate it in GH. I’m using anemone to loop through the rules.

I tried three different methods to randomly select between the three triangle points, some more successful than others… in the least successful one (where i select an index item using the random component), it seems that it started selecting the same triangle points in the same order early on in the loop. while in the most successful one (random reduction), it seems to have converged around the 300,000 iterations…

Just a fun little exercise… but raises two questions…

  1. Does the seed for the different random components (random reduce, jitter, random) work differently?
  2. Anyone in the mood to best my attempt and find a way to complete the pattern?

I uploaded the definition below if you want to play around.
note: I disconnected the ‘iterations’ input into anemone so it doesn’t auto start on your machine.

Random.gh (15.7 KB)


You get the same pattern if instead of selecting one of the original corners randomly, you select all of them each time, so the number of points triples at each iteration.

chaosgame.gh (8.0 KB)

(misusing timed datadams like this is risky business and will quickly freeze grasshopper if you aren’t careful. Here the split list component limits the the number of points otherwise it gets too heavy within just a few iterations)


Some C# for dessert ?

It takes a few iterations to get inside the fractal it seems.

Random.gh (6.2 KB)

hahah ok ok you win… it took me 400,000 iterations, it took you 7!

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Chimpanzee plug-in includes a Sierpinski Triangle (60 million points in 30s) and other IFS fractals.