3D print export plugin (freelance job)

I’m looking for someone who can develop a Rhino plugin that posts the current model to the 3D Hubs website for 3D printing (global network of 3D printers). I’ve hacked together a basic c#/Rhinocommon version that does this except the oAuth part. Let me know if you’re interested in helping out!

Detailed acceptance criteria:

  • Adds a menuitem to the “Print 3D” menu that calls the _3DHubs command
  • Creates a command (_3DHubs) that does the following
    • Exports the current model to a STL file, export settings can be configured in a config file
    • Posts the model to the 3D Hubs website (requires basic Oauth authentication)
    • Opens the system default web browsers and shows the url that was returned
  • Shows a progress bars that shows the progress on the activities: exporting model, uploading file. Warns the user when the file is above the max file size.
  • Create a plugin distribution (.rhi package)

I am interested to make the plugin for you. I need to know more detail.
I will send you PM.

Best regards