3D Connexion settings - maybe import?

I use a 3D Connexion device (Space Pilot Pro) in Rhino5 last years.
Now I hat upgrade to Rhino7 but I dont use it since 3 months because I cannot find the settings to use my 3D Connexion device.

Where I can find the settings to use it?

Maybe I can copy a setting file from R5 to R7???

I´m hopeful that anyone can help me.


Are you using the 3D connexion driver?


I had opened a file in R5 and opened the 3D Connexion driver with the personalized settings. There I export the configuration.

Then I opened R7 and then also the 3D Connexion driver and there I import these file with settings from R5 but the settings dont change to my personalized…


Try the _SpaceMouse command

then Popup


Yes. Then I can open the options in command line above but my button settings dont can loaded in R7 ;o(

I think I mus do a screenshot of my old settings and make all new in R7- the export/Import function dont work

I had do my setting completely new

Now it works