3D Connexion Settings Issue

I’m having trouble setting up my 3D Connexion devices in the WIP. I just don’t get the options like I do in V7. I use a Space-Navigator and CAD mouse. I drop the Rhinoceros section down to look for a command to apply to a button, and the list is about 20 random commands from Rhino, normally I see the whole of Rhinos command set ?

Don’t create duplicate topics please.

Hi Martin, I understand about duplicate topics, the issue exists across V7 & Serengeti, , whats a guy to do ? :man_shrugging:t3:, probably best left to McNeel staff to decide this kinda thing :+1:t3:

If it is a V7 problem I would put it into the Rhino for Windows category and mention it also is a problem in WIP.

Wha driver version are you using?

Latest 3D Connexion drivers :+1:, anyone else having issues with their devices in the WIP ?