I’m trying to make a pretty simple pattern by drawing curves within panels and then draw a profile (catenary arch in this case) and sweep it using the lines in the panels. I have managed to make half of it (see image) but now I’m trying to sweep the same section in the spaces in between the current sweeps. I think I have al the ingredients (the rails, the section), but something about the order of the data must be wrong as it doesn’t work.
My guess is I have to somewow tell GH to loft curve 1 (left rails group) with curve 0 (right rails group) - but haven’t managed. One way would be to cull the original panels and redraw the curves, but that would make the definition massive and quick and dirty. curve in grid_V3.gh (20.1 KB)
Here’s my definition, if you want to have a go at it or suggest improvements. Any idea will be greatly appreciated