UNM Centennial Chromagraph
100 year history of the UofMN’s School of Architecture
The installation is a 3D representation of the 100 year history of the UofMN’s School of Architecture that will be one of several exhibition pieces featured in our upcoming 100 year anniversary celebration in October.
The model was designed in Rhino/Grasshopper informed by data about the school’s history. Primary designer was Adam Marcus who has been our Cass Gilbert visiting fellow for the past two years. Nesting and RhinoCam + machining and assembly by Master’s of Architecture students Dan Raznick, Jordan Barlow and Sam Daley. 8080 some pencils (thedifferentcolorsrepresentvariousdegreesgranted), ~17,000 holes, 36 sheets 1/2" baltic birch. 8’ x 8’ x 38’. 10-12 people can pretty much pick it up and move it.
UMN Rhino****FabLab technicians consulted along the way, checked out the router occasionally while they were cutting and tried to make sure they didn’t break anything.
More photos about this installation can be seen here.
What is a RhinoFabLab?
A RhinoFabLab™ (fabricationlaboratory) is a small-scale digital workshop, certified by McNeel, with an array of Rhino and Rhino compatible software and computer controlled tools and training. These tools cover the various leading-edge industrial methods and materials needed to design, analyze, and fabricate almost anything.
Posted Aug 29, 2013 by Andres Gonzalez on Rhino News, etc.