Weird dimension python script

Hi, I want to add the dimension on "front"plane, the height from the center(center of gravity) to the left bottom corner(basepoint) of the box. I used the following python script.

centerofgravity = x, y, z+gz  #the coordinate of the center of gravity
basepoint = x,y,z                  #the coordinate of the basepoint
Dimpoint = x,y,z+0.5*gz  #let the dimension in the middle of the height.

#since the dimension will be inserted on YZ plane, I try to rotate it to XZ plane
obj = rs.AddLinearDimension( centerofgravity, basepoint, Dimpoint )
if obj:
point = Dimpoint
if point: rs.RotateObject(obj, point, 90, (0,0,1), copy=False)

But it appears to be 0, like in the picture. Does anyone know why this happens?

Hi Yang,

The rs.AddLinearDimension function could really take an input plane, not just dimension locations. I’ll add this to the “to-do” list. In the mean time, try using this special version of rs.AddLinearDimension.

import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext
import System

def MyLinearDimension(view_plane, start_point, end_point, point_on_dimension_line):
    # Coerce input
    plane = rs.coerceplane(view_plane)
    start = rs.coerce3dpoint(start_point, True)
    end = rs.coerce3dpoint(end_point, True)
    onpoint = rs.coerce3dpoint(point_on_dimension_line, True)
    # Set origin of plane
    plane.Origin = start
    # Calculate 2d dimension points
    success, s, t = plane.ClosestParameter(start)
    start = Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(s,t)
    success, s, t = plane.ClosestParameter(end)
    end = Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(s,t)
    success, s, t = plane.ClosestParameter(onpoint)
    onpoint = Rhino.Geometry.Point2d(s,t)    
    # Add the dimension
    ldim = Rhino.Geometry.LinearDimension(plane, start, end, onpoint)
    if not ldim: return scriptcontext.errorhandler()
    rc = scriptcontext.doc.Objects.AddLinearDimension(ldim)
    if rc==System.Guid.Empty: raise Exception("unable to add dimension to document")
    return rc

You can use the above method as follows:

# World Top plane
view_plane = rs.PlaneFromFrame([0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,1,0])
start_point = (5,5,0)
end_point = (15,5,0)
point_on_dimension_line = (15,7,0)
MyLinearDimension(view_plane, start_point, end_point, point_on_dimension_line)

# World Front plane
view_plane = rs.PlaneFromFrame([0,0,0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1])
start_point = (5,0,5)
end_point = (15,0,5)
point_on_dimension_line = (15,0,7)
MyLinearDimension(view_plane, start_point, end_point, point_on_dimension_line)

# World Right plane
view_plane = rs.PlaneFromFrame([0,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1])
start_point = (0,5,5)
end_point = (0,15,5)
point_on_dimension_line = (0,15,7)
MyLinearDimension(view_plane, start_point, end_point, point_on_dimension_line)

Does this help?