Panel type must be a public class and have parameterless constructor


I get this kind of information form rhino:
Panel type must be a public class and have parameterless constructor. Cab’t find what the problem is. Is it because multiple commands inside one namespace?

Does your plug-in have a docking panel?

Is the class declared as public?

Does the class have a parameterless constructor?

Here is an example of a working panel in C#:

All looks fine, I was using this example, and it was working until I’ve changed name of the command called inside rhinoceros. I think then it stopped to work. I have also attached some external class from other project, but then I’ve excluded it from solution, just to come back to the default. I haven,t changed anuthing in the classes, that are calling panel (beside the EnglishName).

OK, I found my mistake. I have incidentally deleted paramtereless MainPannel method.