Rhinoceros 8 WPF load issue


I’m trying to create new WPF plugin in Rhinoceros 8 however I’m getting error saying, that “The panel type must have a constructor with a uint, RhinoDoc or no parameters”. The thing is I do have uint in my panel host. This is how my host looks like

        /// <summary>
        /// Rhino framework requires a System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window derived object for a panel.
        /// </summary>
        public class NewPanelHost : RhinoWindows.Controls.WpfElementHost
            public NewPanelHost(uint docsn)
              : base(new NewPanel(docsn), null) // No view model (for this example)

            void InitializePanel()
                var panel_id = NewPanel.PanelId;
                var panel_visible = Panels.IsPanelVisible(panel_id);

                var type = typeof(NewPanel);
                if (panel_visible == false)

            /// <summary>
            /// Returns the ID of this panel.
            /// </summary>
            public static System.Guid PanelId
                    return typeof(NewPanelHost).GUID;

So what could be wrong?

Hi @karol.wierzbicki,

Does adding a constructor that take a RhinoDoc parameter make a difference?

– Dale


It’s the same with RhinoDoc. This code is part of bigger project, could this matter?

Hi @karol.wierzbicki,

Can you provide me a cheap sample, that I run here?


— Dale

Can you post this class for reference? NewPanel


I’m comming back to the topic as I had no time before to take care of it. this is sample of the code:

public partial class HcmPlugIn : PlugIn
    public HcmPlugIn()
        Instance = this;

    public static HcmPlugIn Instance
        private set;

    protected override void ReadDocument(RhinoDoc doc, FileIO.BinaryArchiveReader archive, FileIO.FileReadOptions options)
    protected override bool ShouldCallWriteDocument(FileIO.FileWriteOptions options)
        return true;
    protected override void WriteDocument(RhinoDoc doc, FileIO.BinaryArchiveWriter archive, FileIO.FileWriteOptions options)

    protected override LoadReturnCode OnLoad(ref string errorMessage)
        Type panelType = typeof(NewPanelHost);
        Panels.RegisterPanel(HcmPlugIn.Instance, panelType, "HcmToolsNew", Properties.Resources.FemTools32x32, PanelType.System);
        return base.OnLoad(ref errorMessage);

    public class NewPanelHost : RhinoWindows.Controls.WpfElementHost
        public NewPanelHost(RhinoDoc docsn)
          : base(new NewPanel(docsn), null) // No view model (for this example)

        void InitializePanel()
            var panel_id = NewPanel.PanelId;
            var panel_visible = Panels.IsPanelVisible(panel_id);

            var type = typeof(NewPanel);
            if (panel_visible == false)

        public static System.Guid PanelId
                return typeof(NewPanelHost).GUID;

The command

    public class HcmCommandTools : Command
        public HcmCommandTools()
            Instance = this;

        public static HcmCommandTools Instance
            private set;

        public override string EnglishName
            get { return "HcmTools"; }

        protected override Result RunCommand(RhinoDoc doc, RunMode mode)
            var panel_id = typeof(NewPanelHost).GUID;

            if (mode == RunMode.Interactive)
                return Result.Success;

            var panel_visible = Panels.IsPanelVisible(panel_id);

            return Result.Success;

The Panel

    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for NewPanel.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class NewPanel
        public bool IsEventsEnabled { get; private set; }

        public NewPanel(RhinoDoc documentSerialNumber)
            //DataContext = new PaneViewModel(documentSerialNumber);

            IsEventsEnabled = false;
            //IsVisibleChanged += OnPanelVisibleChanged;

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the ID of this panel.
        /// </summary>
        public static System.Guid PanelId
                return typeof(NewPanel).GUID;

        /// <summary>
        /// Handles IsVisible change events
        /// </summary>
        private void OnPanelVisibleChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

        /// <summary>
        /// Enables or disables panel event watchers
        /// </summary>
        private void EnablePanelEvents(bool bEnable)

This line is thrown in an exception:

Panels.RegisterPanel(HcmPlugIn.Instance, panelType, "HcmToolsNew", Properties.Resources.FemTools32x32, PanelType.System);

I don’t know if Rhino has a strong dependency here, but which version of .NET are you using?

The Rhino Developer site says they support .NET Framework. That’s not the same as, for example, .NET 7 or .NET 8 which are the modern versions of .NET. .NET Framework is no longer developed, and when creating a new project in Visual Studio, is usually not the first WPF choice you see.

This may be a non-issue here, but throwing it out in case it is. When I last wrote a Rhino plugin, quite some time ago, it was in .NET Framework.

Edit, actually I see there’s .NET 7 for Rhino 8. The other page that mentions .NET Framework likely just needs updating.



Actually I’m using .Net Framework 4.8 as this is quite an old project which I migrate from Win Forms to WPF and later to newer framework.

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Hi @karol.wierzbicki - I recently did a refactor of WPF panel inside Rhino and I used the WpfHost not the WpfElementHost like you are using. Maybe it helps?

What is the exception? Show the whole Exception/InnerException so we can see the callstack etc.


Had the same problem here and found a solution : get your NewPanelHost class outside of your plugin class. For some reason if it’s declared here it cannot use the constructors properly …

Hope it helps,
