As you can see in the attached file, the document contains (among other curves) a couple of circles.
My plugin needs to obtain the circles center coordinates and use them for some calculations.
The question arised when my code stopped working if executed in this document.
After some investigations, I found that the circles center coordinates are… Wrong!
I mean that if you read circles center coordinates via Rhino properties panel → Details, you can easily read wrong values!
The same wrong values I can read in my code.
If you copy and paste geometries in a new file, they are pasted in a different position, a position that matches “wrong” coordinates.
The file was created using Rhino7 but you can experience the same behaviour in Rhino7 or Rhino8.
Can someone please explain how this is possible?
And, maybe, how it can be solved?
Wrong ArcCurve Center Coords.3dm (2.8 MB)