Workshop: SortalGI shape grammar interpreter

Rhino / GH Shape Grammars
Taught by Rudi Stouffs, Andrew Li, and Dan Hou
June 22-25
at the CAAD Futures event ‘Hello, Culture’
Daejeon, Korea

Learn how to use the SortalGI shape grammar interpreter in this four-day workshop.

You will explore the development and application of shape rules within the Rhino/Grasshopper environment supported by the SortalGI shape grammar interpreter. This shape grammar interpreter supports both shape rules and description rules, including points, line segments, plane segments, circles, ellipses, circular arcs, and quadratic Bezier curves, in two and three dimensions, both parametric and nonparametric rules, and shape emergence, in both Rhino and Grasshopper.

The workshop will start in Grasshopper, using the SortalGI plug-in. The second half of the workshop will switch to Rhino, exploring a graphically interactive interface as well as a scripting interface to the shape grammar interpreter.

Tentative structure for the workshop:

  • Day 1: Nonparametric shape grammars in Grasshopper, shape and description rules, curves—Rudi Stouffs
  • Day 2: Parametric shape grammars in Grasshopper, predicates and directives—Rudi Stouffs and Dan Hou
  • Day 3: Interactive shape grammars interface in Rhino—Andrew Li
  • Day 4: Shape grammars in Rhino, shape attributes, basic scripting—Dan Hou

Each day will include one or more brief presentations on aspects relating to shape grammars and the SortalGI interpreter, more extensive hands-on tutorials to explore shape rules and grammars within Rhino/Grasshopper, and time and support to explore your own shape rules/grammar development and application.


  • Bring your own laptop with Rhino 5 or 6 installed.
  • Some prior familiarity with Rhino is useful.
  • Prior knowledge of Grasshopper is not required.
  • Prior knowledge of shape grammars is not required.

More information and registration for the event and workshop…

Posted June 14, 2019, by Sandy McNeel on Rhino News, etc.