This is an idea just came to my mind that rhino should keep record of exact creation time and modification of any object in form of simple text for current session. this can be utilized to select objects based on two time interval by any slider or function. this can be useful as sometimes we just go on creating object without properly organising them in layers but those objects are created in time sequence so this tool can be utilized, also this information can be used to track how much work has been done in between that time.
That much needed feature was requested numerous times over the years, including by myself, but if I remember correctly, the answer was that it’s not possible without a rewrite of the Rhino code. Hopefully the developers could figure out a way to implement it, because it’s essential for 3d files consisting multiple iterations of the same object.
At least the creation time could be done with Grasshopper and user text. Every time an object is added, the object receives an attribute. (26.1 KB)
I just started doing something similar to keep track of revision clouds and group them by issuance dates. I like the user text method here
You don’t even need Python to keep track of dates and time.
And you can feed it into the user text and then bake it.
Creation (11.6 KB)
If you don’t use the R8 WIP, you can alternatively use Elefront’s modify object attributes to add the date and time to objects as user text: