WISH - Stitch Multiple Vertices by Average


When I work with SubD I often have to stitch faces together because of other shortcomings of SubD in Rhino like InsertEdge actually not stitching vertices and 3D Face not having Append option by default.

Can the command Stitch work by just selecting the points and pressing enter and having it automatically choose the average position of the three points?

Seriously, it is a pain to stitch multiple vertices and always have to work in pairs (Stitch A and B, then AB with C, then ABC with D).

I am stitching this by hand and it is a pain.

I should be able to select all vertices and just enter Stitch and they should all be stitched together.

Along same lines, why doesn’t Insert Edge automatically stitch the inserted edge? It is very cumbersome having to do it manually essentially duplicating the work every time I am inserting edges.

there is
which does only work for meshes on my mac, and crashes rhino when i select subd.

should convert SubD to a boxmode-like mesh.
but it looks like a bug that single faces are not handled correct (reported here)

but you might want to give it a try:
_alignVertices (tolerance = 2.0)

@ShynnSup ,
Try the command AppendFace instead of 3DFace to always be in append mode. For Stitch, use edgeloop selections and press Enter to get the average location. Post a file if something’s not working for you.

@Tom_P ,
AlignVertices used to work on SubDs and so I think this is a regression. I’ve filed https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-80352 . I am not seeing a crash though so please post a file or email tech@mcneel.com with it to my attention and I’ll get it on the pile. Thanks.

Hi Brain, thanks for the suggestions.

I am afraid this falls short as the command asks you to select one pair and next the other, making it pretty inefficient. It is not about getting an average location, it is about welding all vertices at once.

Also stitching more than 2 vertex at a time would be nice.

I’ m confused…

you can stitch multiples already with stitch… simply preselect and run stitch.

I have a hotkey set up for this. ctrl+shift drag select multiple verts at a time, st (my alias hotkey) then move to the next set- no limit on number of verts you can stitch together this way.

use the append command like Brian said, instead of 3d face.

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Oh you are absolutely right, it never occurred tome to pre-select and run the command.

Still, when you don’t want al vertices to stitch to a single point, it would be nice to have a tool to stitch them to nearest. As with this example.

To stitch this shape you gotta select 4 vertex at a time and run the command, and repeat this multiple times.

works for individual edges too- just preselect the edges you want and run stitch.

can do multiple edges too as long as they match

Dear @BrianJ
I a send a crash report

  "captureTime" : "2024-02-13 20:54:38.8600 +0100",
  "incident" : "7395AAF2-B988-4F73-A428-36017B93D96A",

find the file attached

AlignVertices_killer_000.3dm (44.1 KB)

the following video shows the workflow that reproduces the crash:
(I cut of the last second that shows my desktop with confidential / non public stuff)

did this message reach you ?
I still have this annoying bug. alignvertices those not work and crashes rhino 8
mac os x
Version 8 (8.4.24044.15002, 2024-02-13)

Hi @Tom_P ,

Apologies for the delay, I missed your mention. I can confirm the crash here with your file. It appears to be happening in the 8.5 service release candidate as well but only if the Average location option is used in AlignVertices. I have filed this as RH-80630 for future reference. Please report any separate issues in a new post to help us not miss them or email tech@mcneel.com.

AlignVertices works on SubD verts again in 8.5 too if you want to try the service release candidate In Options > General on Rhino 8 for Mac. If you do two of the SubDs at a time without the Average option enabled and join the SubDs after each pair, it works. Extracting the control polygon of these SubD planes and using AlignVertices on that mesh works with all four at once though so I have filed another issue for further improvement to this command for SubDs if possible, https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-80631. Thanks.

RH-80630 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 5