This is less of a wish directed at developers and more directed at McNeel in general:
When Grasshopper 2 is released, I would love to see it come with a substantial currated collection of some of the best definitions around, chosen for their efficiency, and for their real-world usability for designers and builders in various fields -definitions ranging from very basic to moderately complex.
Simple 3d text, bossed or recessed in a surface, scaled to fit, with depth and font selection sliders.
A dogbone maker for CNC with options for T bones, D bones, End-bones, and maybe even two-tool options for blind endbones on machines with auto-tool changers.
Parts label and layout.
Image/heightfield mapping.
Multi-point pipe junctions with variable blends.
These are just a few I can think of off the top of my head, surely other people in other fields can think of others. And I realize there are tutorials for some of my suggestions already. I’m more suggesting that these kinds of everyday, utility parametric tools be made available as a standard part of Rhino/Grasshopper, kinda like “wizards” in many other programs, but with grasshopper there would be the advantage of being able to see and modify the entire process.
I’ve found a lot of useful stuff by searching forums, some worked as-build, some needed tweaking, but to have a collection of well-made, real-world-useful definitions with McNeel’s stamp of approval on them would, I think, be a way of enticing more people who’re primarily explicit modelling users to cross over to parametric.