Why might my lines get output all wacky?

Outputting linework to PDF from Pen mode, using Linetypes to control lineweight (as per here).

Why would the lines come out all wacky at the ends though? Sometimes (not all the time) they have weird chamfers/tapers, sometimes inverted ‘v’ (not sure what to call it?):

The lines are all ‘by Layer’

The Layer has the Linetype applied

and the Linetype is normal (not ‘tapered’)

sample file attached for reference. What might be going on here? Is this a setting or something I need to fix or adjust? The lines look really, really messed up when I output them? Is there something wring with the curves maybe? Seems like maybe its a polyline issue?

any thoughts on how to troubleshoot would be much appreciated!

test.pdf (225.1 KB)
line_example.3dm (3.4 MB)


  • MacOS Ventura 13.6.6
  • Rhino v8.9.24163.15302, 2024-06-11

Hi Ed -

Thanks. I’ve put this on the list as RH-82579 Print: Vector Print of Curves Messes with Ends

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