Why is this Mesh Boolean Difference Erasing my Mesh?

Before MeshBooleanDifference

After MeshBooleanDifference

Both Meshes are OK and valid and closed.

Here the file.
Mesh Boolean.3dm (552.4 KB)

Hi @ShynnSup,

I’ve tried some stuff but not sure why your MeshBooleanDifference isn’t working. To me the mesh also doesn’t look faulty.

I did get it to work but that was with newly drawn objects.

(drew a new mesh and Booleaned it from that)

Then I looked some more on your object and ran: ! _MergeAllFaces to simplify the faces of the mesh (one of my personal favourite commands).

This still didnt work, but when I scaled it somewhat bigger (using the gumball scale function)

It did work:

Size could play a factor, but after changing the units to mm and seeing that red mesh is 10mm high (quite normal for mm unit scale), I don’t think this could be a factor. (In M unit scale it is quite small, you sure that you want to have you unit scale in M?)

So yea…, I think there is nothing wrong with Rhino8 but there might be something in that way you drew the object/mesh.

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@ShynnSup thanks for the file.
MeshBooleanSplit also gives a wrong result
Intersect shows 2 closed curves. So all conditions seem to be in good order.

RH-83222 MeshBooleanDifference: Wrong result