I have the following code attempting to extract the NURBS surfaces I see in the Rhino viewport. I used the sample file example_3dm_files_20130711/V5/v5_rhino_logo.3dm as a reference. The NURBs surfaces I got is different from what I see in Rhino. Some of them matches but there are (1) extra surfaces (2) missing extruded-like surface
If I am purely interested in extract all the NURBS surfaces as one would see in Rhino3D viewport, what is the correct way to go about doing that ? Is there an example showing the best practice ?
` // open file containing opennurbs archive
FILE* archive_fp = ON::OpenFile( is.getFilename(), “rb”);
// create achive object from file pointer
ON_BinaryFile archive( ON::read3dm, archive_fp );
// read the contents of the file into "model"
bool model_read_status = model.Read( archive, dump );
if (model_read_status)
int object_count = model.m_object_table.Count();
printf("object count = %d\n",object_count);
for (int object_index = 0; object_index < object_count; object_index++)
// printf("object count[%d] is %s\n",object_count,model.m_object_table[object_index].m_object->ClassId()->ClassName());
if (model.m_object_table[object_index].m_object->IsKindOf(ON_ClassId::ClassId("ON_Brep")))
const ON_Brep* brep = ON_Brep::Cast(model.m_object_table[object_index].m_object);
if (brep)
int m_S_Count = brep->m_S.Count();
printf("m_S_Count = %d\n",m_S_Count);
for (int m_S_index = 0; m_S_index < m_S_Count ; m_S_index++)
ON_BOOL32 hbf = brep->m_S[m_S_index]->HasBrepForm();
int hnf = brep->m_S[m_S_index]->HasNurbForm();
printf("HasBrepForm = %s, HasNurbForm = %d\n",(hbf?"true":"false"),hnf);
ON_NurbsSurface nurb_surface;
int get_nurb_surface_status = brep->m_S[m_S_index]->GetNurbForm(nurb_surface);
printf("get_nurb_surface_status = %d\n",get_nurb_surface_status);
if (get_nurb_surface_status!=0)