What Is This Edge Connection Method Called?

Take a look at this


and this

and finally this

What is the method of connecting two perpendicular objects using screws and nuts through slots and tabs? I want to search up some best practices, but I don’t know what to search for. Thanks!

Turns out I’m not the only one asking.


I usually call it press fit.

I’m also curious to hear if they have a formal name. We’ve always called this arrangement a bed bolt joint after bed rails.

I’ve heard it called a T-slot joint from several people. I get lots of hits for that on google.

Thanks. That’s probably close enough to the truth as it needs to be. Thanks!

yeah, i’d call that a t-slot or t-bolt joint.

I also use this with laser cut steel plates, I recess the “male” part a bit, then I weld into the recess on the backside and grind flat. It avoids the weld bead in the inside of the “T” and is more likely to assure a true 90° joint.


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I’d call it a finger joint but maybe that’s more of a wood working term.

There’s more to it than that. This joint has the added screw and nut to
hold it together.

May I suggest: the joinery shown is mortise and tenon, with or without added screws.
T-slots are undercut dados meant for a sliding fit.
Your table saw probably has a t-slot in the surface, a pair for sliding a crosscut sled.
Your woodworker bench is probably joined with mortis and tenon style joints.

that’s one way to use a t-slot.
however, outside of the woodworking shop, i think you’ll find more cases of t-slots being used as a means to avoid welding, tapping, and/or provide a modular solution.

or, in the woodworking shop, look at Festool’s track saw for an example of two types of usage… you can use the slot to slide clamps to match your workpiece… or, you can use the slot to fuse (non-permanently ) two lengths of track into one.

do a google image search for t slot construction

Yup; our 3 axis cnc’s use vacuum tables but the 5 axis beast uses t-slot table.
modular and mulitfaceted solutions to fixturing.