Wave Texture Design Help, Planar curves simulate water ripples

I have seen pictures of water ripple textures on the internet, it is the effect of using plane curves utilizing CNC machining, I don’t know how these plane curves are generated;
I have tried to create some plane curves myself and it is not ideal;

I used some randomly generated curves to control the sparsity of the points based on the height variation of the curves;

I’d appreciate any guidance you can give.

please share you .gh of what you already have. I think all these examples are just contour curves slicing a deformed surface, although could also be achieved with tweening curves

reference.gh (28.4 KB)

Can someone give me some guidance? thanks~


I have tried to create some plane curves myself and it is not ideal;

What do you mean by “ideal?” Seems this is a purely aesthetic call – I happen to like your output!

although your reference image doesn’t really look like a water ripple,
you can get a water ripple effect by combining sin waves
this should get you started
simple_water_ripple_with_sin_waves.gh (19.5 KB)