Wall Join Error?

Hi AsuniCAD
is this expected behavior? If yes, how can I make walls join consistently? Please see the attached file also. The straight walls are drawn directly, the circular one is made from a curve.
Thanks, Silvan

WallJoin.3dm (3.0 MB)

Hi @silvano yes, there seems to be an error in that wall join.
I’ve changed the middle wall layer type to Core (so it should connect with the other Core layers), but the problem persists. I’ll let you know when we fix this.

@silvano I’ve just figured out that this error has to do with the fact the circular wall has been created from a closed curve. If you split it into 2 segments, (and previously you se the middle layer type to Core), the join is resolved.

Hi Frances, thanks for the video. I’ll work around it as you describe. That will do for the time being. Nevertheless it would be great if walls made from closed curves would join correctly in future versions of VA. We often have to rework models and it is just another step in the process that takes time. Imagine checking the whole model every time you go through a change. Additionally such workarounds are very hard to communicate to others in the office. Thanks again, Silvan

@fsalla some quick feedback. With your method the joins work up to 5 straight walls connecting to the circular wall. After that, we need further subdivisions of the circular wall, for the joins to work. Please see the attached image for the location of subdivisions. Furthermore, it was not possible to have a consistent setup of the joins, meaning sometimes we need to stick the straight wall through to the outer layer of the circle, sometimes only attach it to the inner layer of the circle. Trial and error until it works.

Hi Silvano, I’ve reproduced a similar example as yours and you are right, the wall joints are inconsistent even though you break the circular walls down into different segments.
We will try to fix this.

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I have a similar problem. No matter what I do, I can not model a wall like it should be. Training video 3.2 Walls - VisualARQ
The thinner wall cuts the bigger one. Changing geometry to none does not help.

I attach the project file.

Wall join problem.3dm (579.2 KB)

Hi @s.urbanski I could extend the thinner wall to the thicker one with no problems. Please tell me what are you doing differently. Also, make sure you are using an up to date version of VisualARQ (2.10)

Hello, thank you for quick answer. There is no problem with extending the thinner wall. The problem lies in inability to move bigger wall to its correct position because the thinner wall cuts it.

My version is image

Ok, I see. It looks like the thicker wall is intersecting with the perpendicular wall and removes the additional segment. If you change the maximum extension of the perpendicular thinner wall, the problem is fixed:

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Thank you for another quick reply and solving my problem. If I understand it correctly, the “maximum extension” tells the program how far the wall can be extended to snap to the other wall. So setting this value to 0 should give me more control over wall joints. That way, only those walls which I manually joined will be joined by the program. Is my understanding correct?

Correct! I’d add " how far the wall can be extended from its end point…". The only problem to set the max extension to 0 is that the intersection of a wall with the others won’t be cleaned.

That particular issue could be also solved if you set the “Cleanup radius” of the thicker wall to 0.

Thank you for clarifying.

Hello again,
I am back with another wall problem. I tried all combinations of “joint”, I changed the “maximum extension” and even disconnected all elements but I still have this strange joint:

I would be (once again) grateful for help.

Wall join problem2.3dm (561.1 KB)

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Change the wall height to 4 meters, and the error of connection should be fixed. In addition, you may need to extend some other walls.

wall joins

This post about wall joints when they are extended might be useful to you: Why some walls don't join? - VisualARQ

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@silvano I let you know this issue has been fixed in VisualARQ 3.