VSR end of Life-

It’s probably just for ‘entertainment purposes’.


:joy: what’s that

Tsplines had that way back in V4 :sob:

Although I coulda sworn I saw the gumball have options for ‘drag strength’, idk I probably was imagining it.

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there is a drag strength setting for gumball (has been since since v5) hit the bunny tail, or right click the word gumball at the bottom of the window.

you can also use the command -dragstrength and set different drag strengths as an alias. Make a few buttons for each DS you want and add them to your popup menu.

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Cool :sunglasses: Thanks for the reminder. I guess I haven’t used it that much yet.

I have a hard time clicking that ‘bunny tail’ due to color contrast issues from time to time. I guess I haven’t really got a preference between the two options yet.

I’ve probably used drag strength option once in the last year or two. I suppose I’ve changed techniques so I don’t require it. I’m not sure if I would use it more or less if it were more intuitive to adjust.

Maybe @Rhino_Bulgaria was saying the ‘gumball’ should have actual handle objects specifically for drag strength action separate from regular strength :thinking: that would be cool.

I used to use tspline drag strength feature alot, but it was always frustrating adjusting the strength settings through their HUD menu, and dealing with it resetting to default often…

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Indeed, that’s the idea of my proposition. Combining normal speed and drag strength speed all at once. :slight_smile:


That would be awesome :sunglasses:!

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Maybe @Gijs should do a narrated video where he models something that the VSR users indicate as being tricky. As well as an in-depth look at the surfacing tools and history, because I, as many others still find the history feature very finicky. There aren’t many educational videos on the Rhino surfacing tools since V6, so an update to those would be welcome as well, I suppose.

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I agree. I never use it or take it seriously. It’s obsolete relative to actual ‘constraint’ ideology – imo.

I play around with it from time to time, but I find it mostly just gets in the way of my workflow rather than adding any intuitive improvement.

I always find that “history is broken now” alert to be annoying lol.

I’d much rather use Grasshopper or something if I want constraint style feedback on certain geometry.

But even then, I’d have to learn more about Grasshopper/plugins etc. to make it useful.

Or I can wait till RhinoV9 to see some semblance of actual constraint based modeling :crossed_fingers:t4:

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I check the T-Systems Kajto webpage every now and then for updates but it seems to have disappeared.

Anyone know anything?

I vote to close this thread. Many great thoughts came from opening it. Hope some got implemented.—-Mark

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Which means that opening it again after closing it now could bring even more great thoughts. :slight_smile:


All I see are occasional posts of users in China using what looks like a beta release. All the links I find are dead ends. It looks like everything has been taken down but there are still website tags floating around or something. The only thing I could find was this and I had to dig pretty deep. https://www.t-systems-onsite.de/downloads/portfolio/kajto/kajto_flyer_EN.pdf

Might be worth emailing someone there to see what the status is. Although, personally I think Rhino is perfectly capable of “class-A” surfacing, it would be interesting to see what Kajto is all about.

Thanks Benjamin, got a horrible feeling Kajto is now end-of-life too.

Will try to dig out the email for the guys who sent me an evaluation version.

He’s retired, and I don’t expect him to come back

Oh dear. That just leaves me with Alias as an alternative…

My understanding is that Kajto is deader than disco at this point.

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Have been in contact with someone from Kajto a couple of month ago and I can confirm that sadly the software has been abandoned.
They had great plans a year and a half ago, were even planning of introducing a cheaper version without history/parametrics but eventually the project got axed.

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Oh misery…thanks for the update guys @sgreenawalt @norbert_geelen

I’d have been all over that cheaper version like a rash…!

Time to put some serious effort into squeezing single spans out of R8.

I honestly did not think that even if brought to market, this would have been a successful endeavor. It seemed to me that they were falling into the classic trap of trying to replace Alias. This approach makes no sense to me - the Alias user base is so small relative to Rhino, and to convince even a sizable fraction of that base to migrate away from Alias is, by definition, an even smaller slice of the pie. So you end up with something that is basically trying to be the same as Alias, and if priced at their proposed pricing, didn’t represent a savings significant enough to make a real difference. So if the idea was to take a slice of the Alias userbase…this makes no sense.

To look at it from the other perspective - that Kajto was to be sold to the existing Rhino userbase, also seems odd to me. Instead of adding a toolkit on top of Rhino, they sought to make an entirely different interface. So, for a Rhino user to upgrade, they would face a very steep learning curve, not unlike…just switching to Alias from Rhino. There’s decades of educational content on Alias, and absolutely zero for Kajto. And again - with the pricing similar - as a die hard Rhino user, faced with the choice of Alias or Kajto (if it ever actually existed), honestly I’d pick Alias.

By swinging for the fences, instead of creating a simple, compact and efficient toolkit like VSR did, Kajto was from the very beginning a doomed endeavor imho. VSR was never trying to replace Alias - and that’s one thing they got right. There’s a reason that when I want to do classic patch modeling, I still use VSR on V5 day in day out. If I’m doing Subd’s, rendering or need mesh tools, I use V8. But for all my classic NURBS patch modeling, VSR on V5 all day, every day, and twice on Sundays.


Everything you said, only: I think you have to look again at Alias prices.
It is cosiderably more expensiv to what Kajto was supposed to cost.


IIRC - Kajto was going to be around $5k per year, and currently Alias:

ETA - Looks like the proper Surface version is about 2x that. Still, if you’re open to spending $5k per year on surfacing software, and have the client base and work to back it up, you’re not going to reject $10k per year on price alone.