Viewer API: UI parameters. Checklist

Following youtube excellent tutorial: ShapeDiver Viewer API | Ep. 2 - Parameters
we were able to render a UI for parameters type boolean, number, color, string, stringlist and fleparameter.
Now we can translate a ValueList (type dropdown list) of the model into a dropdown menu in the UI.
We want to do the same with a ValueList (type checklist) of the model that in grasshopper allows multiple choice. Can you help us finding some example and/or documentation?
Thank you for your time.

Hello shapediver team.
We need some help to develop what you teach on youtuve tutorial about ValueList type dropdown but for type checklist.

The checklist value list Grasshopper components comes in a similar way to the ShapeDiver API as other value list. The only differences are the visualization property (set to checklist) and that its value is not a single integer index but a string containing a comma-separated list of integer indexes:

Since the checklists type for value lists is exotic, it was not included in the tutorial and associated code example. I added it to the code example here.

In the code example above, I mapped a checklist to the HTML select element with the multiple property. Note that you can instead use a series of checkboxes but this would complicate the code a little in terms of sending and retrieving values from the ShapeDiver API. I will leave this as homework :slight_smile: .

Pay attention in particular to lines 89-105 for creating the select element and setting its default values:

parameterInputElement = document.createElement("select");
parameterInputElement.setAttribute("multiple", "");
var vals = parameterObject.value.split(",").map(Number);
for (let j = 0; j < parameterObject.choices!.length; j++) {
  let option = document.createElement("option");
  option.setAttribute("value", j + "");
  option.setAttribute("name", parameterObject.choices![j]);
  option.innerHTML = parameterObject.choices![j];
  if (vals.includes(j)) option.setAttribute("selected", "");

And check on lines 111-125 how to build and send the string with comma-separated values to update the parameter in the model:

if (parameterObject.visualization == "checklist") {
  let val = "";
  for (
    var i = 0, iLen = parameterObject.choices.length;
    i < iLen;
  ) {
    let choice = parameterObject.choices[i];
    if (parameterInputElement.options[i].selected) {
      if (val == "") val = i.toString();
      else val = val + "," + i.toString();
  parameterObject.value = val;

Let me know if you have further questions.

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