November 26, 2013, 5:04pm
I try to get in vbscript a multi line text string out of the text dot is that possible?
I found out that is was possible to put them in. See row below,
Rhino.TextDotText(strObject, “Row1” & chr(13) & chr(10) & “Row2”
But how to get this multiline sting in a string
strText = Rhino.TextDotText(strObject)
The row above only give the first line. ( Row1)
You can get each row as a separate element in an array with:
strText = Split(Rhino.TextDotText(strObject), chr(13))
(you can also use vbNewLIne for chr(13))
After that, you can do what you need with the individual lines…
November 26, 2013, 5:27pm
Hello Mitch,
chr(13) didn’t work. but vbNewLine gave both rows in an array.
So thanks for the solution.
chr(13) didn’t work
Hmm, odd, it worked here in the quick test I made… Well, I always use vbNewLine anyway…
It´s because Rhino switches between ch(10) and ch(13) and its seems like 1 of the 2 is used :P.
had the same problem a while ago where i needed to switch between them
Maybe at NdeM ch(10) is used and at Helvetosaur ch(13)