Values of SHS sections not matching manufacturer numbers for Australia

The numbers for area of the SHS cross sections seem significantly different to the Australian values given by manufacturers and I was wondering the origin of these cross sections and their properties.

Hello @christopher.ho,

thanks for your bug report!

In Karamba3D 1.3.2. the cross section area of SHS cross sections is calculated according to the formula of EN10210: A = 2 * t * (B + H - 2 * t) - (4 - PI) * (ro * ro - ri * ri)
where ro and ri are the outer and inner fillet radius. Currently for Australian SHS profiles ri is set to 0. This causes the difference of up to -10%.
I will change that.

– Clemens

Hello @christopher.ho,
I have found and removed the bug in the Karamba3D cross section table for Australian CHS sections. There was a problem with the assumed fillet radius.
You can download the corrected version (‘Karamba3D_1_3_2’, build 200321) from here.
– Clemens

Many thanks.