VA3 - Guide's Not Appearing

Hi Guys,

I’m having an issue with guides displaying incorrectly and popping in and out in elevation view, both in model and layout. Check out the video.

Additionally, they don’t seem to want to align the text in the correct direction or display at all in layout space.

As always, thanks for your help!


Hi Clayton, can you reproduce this behavior in other models? does it happen in other display modes? it is possible to get this file for troubleshooting?

I could reproduce the issue of guides not displayed in page layouts, but not about the text not being aligned properly. Can you show me an example of that?

Hi Francesc!

Yes, I can send the file over for troubleshooting and I was able to reproduce it on other models.

I can’t seem to replicate the text alignment issue for the guides, so I think we can count that as me clicking on the wrong button!

I’ll direct message you a dropbox link for the project file.

Thanks again!

Hi Clayton, thanks for the file! the developers are already taking a look at this issue of guides disappearing. I’ll let you know when they fix it!

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Great, glad to hear it! Looking forward to putting guides into full use. That’ll save enormous amounts of time.

Hi, having similar issues, the guide lines are on roof plan view, but they are not visible on the floorplan and sideview. Im talking about the layout views. On the model space they are visible everywhere. Also there is a graphic error. I see the full side view (except the guid lines) nicely but when i print it to pdf in vectore mode - some elements are missing etc.

Hi @Kristjan we are currently working on this issue. I hope it is ready for the next Beta. Could you share your file as well? I’d like to take a look at the printing issue of missing elements. You can send it to or post it here.

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I send it to

Hi @Kristjan I’ve tried to print your file in our latest internal Beta version, and it seems to work fine. No missing lines, apparently:

(We have fixed the issue of the Guides not being displayed).
Let’s see if it works for you too when we release the next Beta. I’ll notify you about this in this thread.

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Thank you! Also I noticed that the leaders are showing correctly in layout but on the print they dont show the text or is it on wrong place.

Are these leaders created in the Model space or the page layout? do you have a simplified model to reproduce this issue?

These leaders are created in page layout trough detail view (entered into the model I guess that way). I hope that helps you.

I managed to reproduce the error of the text not being properly aligned in the print result, but not the case of the text missing.

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I have a general question about adding keynotes etc. Do you guys add these in model space or in paperspace? All the dimensions, tags, roomspace text etc. you will add in model space.
Francesc Salla, any updates on upcoming beta release?

All the best,

Hi @Kristjan, that’s a good question. I’ve seen users working in both ways. One one hand I believe the dimensions and annotation objects should be placed on the paper space, but since they don’t link properly with the objects underneath, this might be a problem if you change the scale of the layout detail, or move it. For that reason I see more frequently people adding the annotations and dimensions directly on the model space, and manage their visibility in page layouts by layer per detail view.

We are working on that. We are actually testing an internal version that if it works fine could be released today. Otherwise I hope we can release it this week.

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I tend to agree with Francesc. Ideally dimensions would live in paperspace, but they do not snap on any geometry generated by a live vaSection and if you move the detail or change the scale, you can lose a ton on work. So, it’s not a viable solution currently.

For that reason, I tend to do dimensions in model space and annotations in paper space for plan views of the live model and for vaSectionView or vaPlanViews. Annotations (room labels, leaders, etc), are easily adjustable if the detail moves or changes scale. Dimensions just lose their minds.

While there’s some inelegant solutions available, there’s nothing that really seems like a great workflow.

I also make the annotations, dimensions and notes in the model space, it would be great if the Plan views would be generated directly in the layouts

@Clayton_Muhleman, @Kristjan We have just published the new VA3 Beta 5 version: New VisualARQ 3 Beta 5 released! - #6 by enric

It fixes the issue reported here about guides hiding in page layouts.


A post was split to a new topic: Dimensions are exploded in AutoCAD when I export in dwg format