VA 3 BETA plans too big

hello everyone, is only with me or VA plans add ups to 100mb on the file (small apartment around 90 m²)?

Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,

If you refer to a plan view object created with the vaPlanView command, the size of the 3DM will increase, since this object creates a block with all visible lines.

But this behavior was already like this in version 2. Can you send me the file you are working on, to, so I can check that there is no bug in version 3 that would cause the files to be too big?



I know that it got the file bigger in VA 2 but I found this size increase now more dramatic.

Also, when I import a template its not coming with some 2d blocks, only their 3d representation

Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,

I’ve fixed an issue that solves the file size increase. It will be available in the next Beta.


@Leonardo_G_Pate the new Beta is out! you can try that issue of the file size increase and confirm it’s fixed.

:star_struck: ! Thanks man, the whole community appreciate! hope the official realease is near! keep going!

Hi francesc! About the VA3 release, what should we expect? more few months or couple weeks? :slightly_smiling_face:

I can’t say exactly, but it will take 1 or 2 months still.

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