V2.0 does not work where V1.x did

Had a definition I developed for a friend to nest buildings. It gets their footprints (planar 2D curves) and nests the footprints, then brings along the 3D buildings using the same transforms. I did this back in March, it worked well.

The friend now reports that their OpenNest module is blank white:

I tried to reproduce that here but I couldn’t. The original definition still works here. But my GH now has both ON menus:

I tried connecting the same inputs from the setup with ON-1 to the ON-2 module - via the nest_geo and sheets components (it doesn’t work to connect the original inputs directly), but I get an error in the nest_geo -

Item 97 does exist, and none of the items in the geo list - all closed planar curves - are null or invalid. So I don’t know how to get this working with ON-2.

Additionally, the V2 components with their small letters look far less polished than V1 did - and the idea of having to set options by editing the list instead of having discreet inputs is not a good one IMO. At least provide an options component with discreet inputs that can then be connected to the options input (like some other GH functions do)