V-Ray for Rhino

I’m using V-Ray 6 for Rhino 7. When I try to import assets from the Cosmos Browser, they fail to import. The command line in Rhino says, “Unable to read import details” I just wanted to make sure this wasn’t a Rhino issue before I contacted Chaos. Any ideas?


There are two ways for this to happen

  1. the package name is empty or incorrectly specified
  2. there is a communication error with the cosmos service, or a networking issue

When you import the asset you shall be able to see the exact command in the Rhino command prompt
it shall be smt. like

Command: -_vrayCosmos
Select an action:  <Browser> ( Browser=0  Import=1  Update=2  Download=3  Status=4  Disconnect=5 ): _Import
Package Name/ID: ( Revision=0  Triplanar=Off ): _Revision=...
Package Name/ID: ( Revision=...  Triplanar=... ): _Triplanar=...
Package Name/ID: ( Revision=...  Triplanar=... ): ...
Choose a point to place the asset <0.000,0.000,0.000>...

The ... placeholder shall contain the specific details for your import.
If the problem is case 1) this snippet shall contain enough info to diagnose any problems in the cosmos database

Please paste here what you get on your side.

If there are networking issues, you’d be better off contacting Chaos support

hey Nick!
I get this problem every time I open cosmos, the workaround is to uninstall Cosmos and install it again but I’m upset about this problem


It appears that the cosmos daemon is not running. Probably something is preventing the startup.
Apart from the window not showing UI, this can be checked with the cosmos command in Rhino


^ Here I stopped the browser daemon, and I got the very same symptom like you (no UI)

Have you tried to restart the daemon instead of reinstalling ?

I hope that works for you

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It works, Thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: