Using a digitizer tablet in Rhino 4

Hi Group

I have an "Intuos4 Extra Large CAD” digitizer and need to take accurate one to one plots from it into rhino 4, it basically works like a very accurate mouse with a cross hair on it, it works well and I can create 2d sketches from it however the problem I have is that the scaling is based on the current viewport scale
so if I had a rectangle template on the digitizer and clicked on the two points to create the rectangle in rhino the rectangle will not come out the correct size in the rhino screen and if I then zoom out and repeat I create another bigger rectangle even though I digitised from the same points.

what I really need is to fix the scale in the view port at one to one with the digitizer and lock it so it can’t change whilst I am digitising. is this possible?

perhaps I could set and scale a viewport based on a reference rectangle I have on the digitiser and then save this as a template so I can call it up each time I want to digitize?

the key here is that the scaling is set and locked so when I zoom in and out it doesn’t change the scale

any comments or solutions?

regards Adrian

How would you be able to zoom and not change the scale?

As for the rest, once you have a view calibrated, you can save it to a Named View that you can return to in case you need to zoom in while using a different method of input. This named view can be saved to your template and can also be loaded into other files in case it wasn’t saved into the template that was used.

From that calibrated named view you would have to pan to the location that you are working on.

“How would you be able to zoom and not change the scale?”

Hi Wim

thanks for your reply, that’s what I need to know. I have just got it working in autocad 2014 as they have a tablet command in their and once calibrated it keeps it’s scale / accuracy. however I would like it to work in rhino as I like the tools in rhino.
regards adrian

You are welcome.
… though, I’m not sure if you are saying that your question has been answered or not :)…

There’s no locking of the scale (unless you use a layout) but as long as (1) you have a calibrated viewport and (2) you only pan, there’s no problem.
As for calibration, look up the commands to calibrate the screen.

Hi Adrian - if you use Zoom1To1, you will be able to calibrate the command to zoom correctly to your screen- however, the standard ‘measure this bar’ interface is a bit dodgy in my opinion and you can get more accurate results by finding the number of pixels in the calibration bar (478) and working out the length of it using info about your monitor from something like I bundled all this up into a script a while ago, which I’ll attach here in case it helps. Once set up, Zoom1to1 should work well. Please make sure to test the results though. (1.6 KB)

To use the script, extract and save the .rvb file from the attached zip archive, then drag and drop the saved rvb over an open Rhino V4 or v5 window. This will load the script, set it up to load on startup in the future and register the alias

ZoomCalibrateList (lists available monitors… not sure how well this part works)

that will run the script much like a regular command. An alias can be typed or added to a toolbar button or keyboard shortcut (F-key).
