Use custom delay on Eto tooltips


Does somebody know if it is possible to set a control Tooltip showing up with a certain delay?
My problem is that the tooltip in my panel shows up within 2 seconds approximately, but I need it to be faster.

Thanks in advance,

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Hi @Emma_Bizzotto,

There’s no API in Eto to control tooltip speed, but on Windows/WPF you can use ToolTipService.InitialShowDelay and macOS you can use something like this, translated to C#:

NSUserDefaults.StandardUserDefaults.SetInt(1, "NSInitialToolTipDelay");

However, I’m not sure if this is a system wide setting or just for the running application, so it might not be a feasible option.

Another option is to create your own tooltip with a non-activating borderless Form then you can have full control over its timing and content using UITimers.

Hope this helps,

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Hello @curtisw,

Thank you very much for your answer. I think I will follow your suggestion to create a tooltip using a non-activating Form, I did not think about that.
