Unwrapping a surface with texture

Dear Collogues

This is my first topic in this forum. Down to the point. I would like to make patterns for inflatable ball. The pattern will be cut/printed in reality and after wards will be sew together creating a real beach ball. I have started with creating a sphere. I have added a texture to this sphere I have cutted the sphere into 8 pieces. Afterwards I have made the surface texture a mesh. Finally I have tried to squish the mesh. Here all the problems starts. The mesh which was squished looks like “hook”. Any ideas what might be the problem.

Thank you in advance.

Hi Szymon,

Squish hates singularities. In the case of your sphere those would be the north and south poles of your sphere. So trim a hole at the poles.
Next you need to get your meshes to be nice evenly distributed quads as close to square as you can. Quadremesh will do this but you’ll need to redo your UV mapping again.
That should fix it.
Regards, Steve