Unwanted buttons are displayed in Shapediver app mode

suddenly 2 greyed out buttons are visible in all tabs with “accept” and “reject”. how do i get rid of them?


These buttons can be here in case you enabled the “Parameter validation” mode, or if you enabled it for some parameters of your App using the “Parameter Reference” component.

But it might also be an issue with the latest beta release of the App Builder. In order to investigate, could you please link to your model here?

This issue seems to be caused by the latest App Builder version we released yesterday. We will work on a fix in the next few days.

yesterday these buttons were not there

I corrected my message above, we indeed had a new release yesterday. This will be fixed shortly.

the problem is solved, thanks to you and your team.

The app builder is brilliant.

Is it possible to transfer data to the configurator within the app mode by selecting it? For example, I would like to select a colour that is embedded as an image in Markdown and insert it into the configurator


I understand the need for such a workflow. At the moment, it is not possible to get information in Grasshopper about the Image Widgets that were clicked in the App.

We will think about the best solution for this issue; in the case of your application, our idea so far is to provide a new parameter type, similar to a value list, where one can specify images for each value in the list.

I will update this topic once we make progress about this feature.

Hi @mathieu1, do you know why I’m still getting the Accept Reject buttons despite your fix?


You are using a json configuration file for your application, and in the file you have set acceptRejectMode": true. You can fix the issue by setting this property to false.