Unusual Problem

Cannot close this object, import from 3rd party software has made it very difficult. There is no way to change the hull. Any suggestions?
3DGA.3dm (1.6 MB)

Hello - the surfaces do not enclose a volume, as is, except right at the keel:

I assume what you want is to remove the hull surface there, join the the rectangular-section part and then add thickness (how much?), is that correct?


What I have been trying to do is add a surface that closes off the top of the hull

Ah, Ok - you can extrude from the centerline or loft between opposite edges. You’ll still need to resolve that bit at the keel.
I’d extrude - the edges on the hull are a mess, so I’d draw a clean new polyline and untrim the hull surfaces, like so:

Then in Front, retrim with your clean line:

then extrude that same polyline:

(You can extrude first and trim with the extrusion - either way)

Then DupBorder on the (rejoined) hull and use that curve to trim back the extrusion - that may work better if you Explode the extrusion:


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That worked great. If I did want to add a thickness to the hull, how could i go about that?

Hello - if you have a fully closed object then a ‘solidifying’ will entail making some kind of connector(s) between inside and outside - otherwise an offset will produce a solid enclosed by another solid - what is the desired outcome, what’s the purpose of adding wall thickness?

@alexanderbishton - a user pointed out to me that the surface structure at the bow will not let you offset cleanly - hull programs tend top do this, where adjacent edges on a surface are tangent to each other - it is frowned upon in Rhino for this reason: offsets become impossible at those locations. Depending on what you want to accomplish a workaround would be tp chop out a piece of the hull surface there and replace it with a new rectangular surface.


I’m not sure what you meant about what the user pointed out, but if it’s what I think you meant then couldn’t it be addressed by modeling on the half-hull, offsetting (probably to the inside), trimming off the parts of the offset surface that extend beyond the symmetry plane with said plane, mirroring and joining? If you don’t like the parts where the halves are not tangent to one another you could fillet them.

Or have I misunderstood the problem?

Hello, this is the desired outcome. The hull pictured here is being converted into a solid object to better manipulate and add details. This hull in yellow was created in rhino. Unfortunately I have to use the grey hull imported from MAXSurf. I hope this better explains the goal.

Hello - Offset the polyline from above the desired thickness. Extrude it through the solid and use BooleanSplit. Does that do it? (looking at your bottom image).


This is the desired outcome, sorry for the tough explanation but this is a vessel made in RHINO however the hydro statics that I needed to calculate meant I had to do it in MAXSurf, a notoriously difficult program. In my opinion, I think adding a thickness will allow me to better manipulate and integrate a superstructure onto the hull. Hopefully the images help.

The BooleanSplit failed, not sure if I used it in the right direction or not…

Hello - Run Intersect on the two obects and see what the resulting curve looks like - does it make a closed loop?
