I’m relatively new to Grasshopper, and have been playing around with varying curve divisions based on the graph mapper.
The basic idea i have in the attached file, but would anyone be able to point me in the right direction of being able to control the incriments of which the divisions occur? I have included the series of numbers that id like used for the division.
the idea is to reparametrize the curve to ( 0 , length) or to any other interval
i made a custom py script that does a running sum (if you need to use non-integer parameters, right-click on the “x” → typehints → double) - because i guessed your interval was from the previous interval
then passed those values to an eval curve. added the length as the last parameter, just for completion
Is that the series of numbers in the left text panel? Or the right text panel?
Do you want to fill the curve with extrusions instead of only 7? Do you want the vertical extrusion positions to be “tapered” at both ends like you did with the graph mapper?
The idea was to have a flexible enough system of vertical slats that also had some form of spacing control between each of the members, which in this case are the series of values, for easier construction whilst also having control over density so the slider for the number of members was perfect. Very interesting to see the different approaches, looks like I have a lot to learn!