Unable to run compute-rhino3d locally using local computer as server

I was following Junichiro Horikawa’s tutorial on how to set up compute-rhino3d locally, and it was not successful.

What I did:

  1. download and unzip the latest build compute-340 from this link.

  2. set the following environment variables:

  3. ran the following in PowerShell as admin:

C:\WINDOWS\system32> netsh http add urlacl url=“http://+:8080/” user=“Everyone”

URL reservation successfully added

  1. and, ran the following, too:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> netsh http add urlacl url=“https://+:443/” user=“Everyone”

URL reservation successfully added

  1. then , after I ran:

I got the following which seem to indicate the server is running, correct me if i’m wrong:

2020-01-21T16:19:10.1736118+08:00 dbg: frontend Logging to C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp\Compute\Logs {}
2020-01-21T16:19:10.3734985+08:00 inf: frontend Configuration Result:
[Success] Name compute.frontend
[Success] ServiceName compute.frontend {“SourceContext”: “Topshelf.HostFactory”}
2020-01-21T16:19:10.3874905+08:00 inf: frontend Topshelf v4.1.0.172, .NET Framework v4.0.30319.42000 {“SourceContext”: “Topshelf.HostConfigurators.HostConfiguratorImpl”}
2020-01-21T16:19:10.4364624+08:00 dbg: frontend Running as a console application, creating the console host. {“SourceContext”: “Topshelf.Builders.RunBuilder”}
2020-01-21T16:19:10.4454586+08:00 dbg: frontend Starting up as a console application {“SourceContext”: “Topshelf.Hosts.ConsoleRunHost”}
2020-01-21T16:19:10.9401902+08:00 dbg: frontend ApplicationStartup {}
2020-01-21T16:19:10.9501846+08:00 inf: frontend Request stashing enabled via TempFileStasher {}
2020-01-21T16:19:11.1560693+08:00 inf: frontend compute.frontend running on http://localhost:8888 {}
2020-01-21T16:19:11.1590660+08:00 inf: frontend The compute.frontend service is now running, press Control+C to exit. {“SourceContext”: “Topshelf.Hosts.ConsoleRunHost”}

  1. However, I’m unable connect to local server by running the following in a web browser:

  2. and if I run the following, i got “Backend not available” shown in the web broswer:

Have I scrambled my local web server setting and system variables?

May I ask how to set up it correctly to access compute-rhino3d locally?


The frontend should spawn the backend process. I’d expect to see a log line like…

2020-01-24T16:20:03.7541948+00:00 inf: frontend Starting back-end geometry service on port 8080 {}

Did you configure any other environment variables, such as COMPUTE_SPAWN_GEOMETRY_SERVER?

A post was split to a new topic: Compute.geometry fails to start (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException)

I think I had similar problem and some how managed to make it work? Not sure though…

using the frontend~.exe files in

rather than from current github repo in rhino dev doc from

Also typed next code on powershell couple of times back and forth I have some how managed to get access to local server (which is actually not sure what I am doing)

netsh http add urlacl url=“http://+:8081/” user=“Everyone”
netsh http add urlacl url=“http://+:80/” user=“Everyone”
netsh http add urlacl url=“https://+:443/” user=“Everyone”

netsh http delete urlacl url=“http://+:8081/
netsh http delete urlacl url=“http://+:80/
netsh http delete urlacl url=“https://+:443/

Screenshot 2021-09-18 163733

Screenshot 2021-09-18 165253

but if I try to access using it doesn’t work

Screenshot 2021-09-18 164323

I changed the part of the code from
to execute it and it kind of works.
But it requires me to press enter on prompt whenever I try to run on pycharm (seems like it is requesting my approval? I barely only know how to print hello world though… :sweat_smile:)

while doing that, I was also following method from this

If i just try to debug from visual studio, error message shows up
Screenshot 2021-09-18 170038

Assuming there is something missing, I had to find the exe file it’s asking for - which I could not find on the github repo.
Screenshot 2021-09-18 165945

So without knowing very much anything about how to read this files, I just blindly copied the files from here

And now I can some how enter the debug with out that message but it actually fails in the end.

Also the example file in here

the line example doesn’t work.
EDIT: if I change the data tree “{0;}” to the one that matches in the ghx it’s referencing it works.