Twisting problem sweep 1

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with sweep1. I have 8 section curves and one rail curve. The problem is the sweep surface twists between circular and periodic planar curve. I merged this curves. I also looked if the surface normals aren’t same. It seems to me the same. I didn’t get, what the problem is. I will be really appreciated, if you can help me.

I made a simple my rail and section curves (see attached). Normally, I have 30 surfaces like this. But, I think you can find this problem with attached file. If not, then let me know. I can attach the whole model.

Thank you in advance!
Best Regards,

twistingsweep.3dm (34.5 KB) (9.2 KB)

Since 7 out of 8 sections are circular, you’re probably better off creating a variable pipe for the most part and then join it with a loft. (20.3 KB)

Hi Martin,

Thank you for your response. I tried your suggestion. Unfortunately, it didn’t work with whole channels. I tried also with using loft options. Do you have any other idea?

Post your file with the relevant geometry internalised.


twistingsweep.3dm (476.4 KB) (13.1 KB)

I’m not working with this Split List component what exactly is the output?

Please update your GH file so it does not contain this component. You can internalise the output in a curve component.

The output is the same, but the branches aren’t same (it makes no difference to this output). You can delete this and connect curve with area directly or you can use attached data. (15.2 KB)

Sweep1 has twisting issues so I thought Sweep2 should solve the problem but I couldn’t really get it to work. Searching this forum I realized that Sweep2 needs both rails in the same direction…

The Variable Pipe is split into two strips to get two rails. I replaced the top circle with the curves provided. (28.3 KB)

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Thank you Martin. This will help me a lot :slight_smile:

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