Hi Guys,
I try to split a mesh into single faces. Is there a simple way?
I tried a lot with chatgpt and the documents provided but i failed totally…
this was my last attemp:
I wanted to explode the mesh afterwards…
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino
mesh = rs.GetObject(“Netz”)
but i get this:
Rhino.Runtime.Code.Execution.ExecuteException: Object does not match target type.
—> System.Reflection.TargetException: Object does not match target type.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at Python.Runtime.MethodBinder.Invoke(BorrowedReference inst, BorrowedReference args, BorrowedReference kwargs, MethodBase methods)
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException()
at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowIfIsNull(NewReference& ob)
at Python.Runtime.PyModule.Execute(PyObject script, PyDict locals)
at Python.Runtime.RhinoCodePythonEngine.RunScope(Object scope, Object code, String pythonFile, String beforeScript, String afterScript)
at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Languages.PythonNet.CPythonCode.Execute(RunContext context)
at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Code.ExecTry(RunContext context, IPlatformDocument& doc, Object& docState)
at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Code.Run(RunContext context)
— End of inner exception stack trace —
System.Reflection.TargetException: Object does not match target type.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at Python.Runtime.MethodBinder.Invoke(BorrowedReference inst, BorrowedReference args, BorrowedReference kwargs, MethodBase methods)
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException()
at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowIfIsNull(NewReference& ob)
at Python.Runtime.PyModule.Execute(PyObject script, PyDict locals)
at Python.Runtime.RhinoCodePythonEngine.RunScope(Object scope, Object code, String pythonFile, String beforeScript, String afterScript)
at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Languages.PythonNet.CPythonCode.Execute(RunContext context)
at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Code.ExecTry(RunContext context, IPlatformDocument& doc, Object& docState)
at Rhino.Runtime.Code.Code.Run(RunContext context)