Trying to delete selected layers from blocks s

Is anyone still here ?
Trying to delete selected layers from blocks in PY

Won’t work

:frowning: (2.3 KB)

Moved to a new topic…

Dear Dale

I Can’t manage to find this new topic :frowning:

@Karim_tabbara - you should see this link jist above:

Add Object to Block Python (bypass block edit)

Not sure this is what you’re after, but I’ve attached a simple “merge layer” sample for you to review. (2.7 KB)

– Dale

Dear Dale

Yes I have used [quote=“Dale Fugier, post:4, topic:173505, username:dale”] (2.7 KB)
Even modified it so it can handle merging layers in blocks (2.4 KB)

But found no way to delete objects from blocks, even re-using code in following scripts
Not good enough in PY

My code doesn’t work

rs.DeleteObject does nothing

I guess (kind of understood) I have to rebuild the block with it’s elements removing the elements to be deleted…

if V_BlockNames :
for V_BlockName in V_BlockNames :
# Get Ids in block
V_Ids = rs.BlockObjects(V_BlockName)
# Parse Ids in block
for V_Id in V_Ids :
# Get Object
V_Object = doc.Objects.Find(V_Id)
# Get object attributes
V_attributes = V_Object.Attributes
# Get object layer Index
V_Layer_index = V_attributes.LayerIndex
# Check entitie layer has to be changed
if V_Layer_index in sources:
# Delete Object

Hi @Karim_tabbara,

The proper way to delete (or redefine) an existing instance definition is to use one of the InstanceDefinitionTable.ModifyGeometry methods.

– Dale

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Thanks Dale
I’ll “compute” all that in my little brain.