Hi there, very new to Grasshopper and trying to learn the basics, please bear with me -
I’m trying to produce a mesh that can be used with Kangaroo. The mesh is a circle with a square grid inside - at the moment I am stuck on trying to select the ‘areas’ whose centroids lie within the bounday of the circle in order to join them into a mesh - I’m sure there’s a simple move that I am missing here. Anyone?
It’s not exactly the same as what you ask, but the discussion and definition posted here might be useful:
Depending what you want to do with the grid in Kangaroo once you have it, the cells with >4 sides you can get from chopping the grid with a curve might be a challenge.
Another possible approach (using the same scripts as in that discussion I just linked) would be to cull the faces with centroids outside the curve, then pull the naked points onto the curve like this: trim_pull.gh (9.9 KB)
Hey, sorry for the late reply but that was very helpful, thank you so much! I managed to get the mesh to work in Kangaroo without triangulating it, was just missing the Region Intersection and Boundary Surfaces components!