Tried to use visualarq inside revit and only could transfer furniture

hey man, I’v tested here and so far is pretty good.

Just 2 things that I don’t know if it is possible but I lost all materials when transfering to revit and second I cant edit type of elements imported to revit… but I can edit walls type for example. You know how I can solve this?

Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,


Materials are not being transferred for now because there are not components to do so.

hello alfonso, I was talking to Japhy in another post and he said that it would now be possible to assign materials exporting to revit from rhino. Is it possible to put this in the visualarq to revit definition?

it is??

Not exactly. It looks like they are taking a VisualArq Style and making a Revit Wall Style, not a direct shape.

yes, but for the other elements that arent from visualarq

Hi @Leonardo_G_Pate,

Unfortunately, we don’t have VisualARQ components to access or define materials from Grasshopper yet, so it is still not possible to transfer this information for now. I will let you know when we have it ready.


@alfmelbev Something I noticed aswel is that all the subtractions made in visualarq objects such as walls for example they don’t get tranfered in revit.