Transfer kinetic facade from flat to curved surface?

Hi guys,

I can’t figure out how to fix this.
Wanted to transfer this pattern to this surface:

Can anyone fix this/help? (34.8 KB)

Thank you! (20.4 KB)

same goes for this. Thank you!

I tried surface morph too with both, but failed to find the right inputs


  1. If you want a C# that does the variable “stars” - as Meshes - notify (obviously using attractors [pts/crvs/whatever]).
  2. I would strongly advise to convert your items to Meshes. Diff in speed is BIG. See Image below: 5 milliseconds to cut the mustard.
  3. Morphs (Target surf) work with the underlying Surface of any BrepFace (meaning that trims are ignored). Obviously for very simple cases like this … well … there’s various ways to exclude Morphed objects. One classic and very simple way: for each morphed Mesh we check if all the suitable for the occasion Vertices are contained inside the OEM BrepFace (if not: adios amigos).

If you want a complete C# (in fact 2) that does all the above notify. But … well … the problem is rather obvious (unless you have plans to walk the walk).

But wait … what I’m talking here? We must define the star Meshes directly by sub div the BrepFace (with the as above checks at creation time). No Morphs etc etc. Expect 5-10 milliseconds (or less if we use some thread safe // thingy) for 1000++ Meshes.

PS: Have in mind that any kinetic facade is a chimera: Too many dollars for nothing (like driving a Tesla and expecting to save the planet). I have various C#'s that do adaptive “shaders” (some are ready for production, made with things far and away from R/GH) - but I wonder what is the most stupid (or maybe all):