As an industrial designer at the hygiene products factory, I am presenting the design samples of toothbrushes and personal care items that I have developed .
Nice job!
Toothbrush look simple but I know don’t.
Would it be nice if you can publish also the shaded view of the modeling details.
Yes, of course. I modeled these brushes with SubD and rendered them in Keyshot.
The bristles was obtained in Keyshot
Thank you. This is primarily for the sake of design variety, improved finger grip, reduced production costs, and minimizing the use of plastic materials
these look great - was this rendered in Rhino? I am really struggling to get a good semi-transparent plastic/polymer material - these have a great ‘soft’ look
Thank you for your kindness… These photos were rendered in Keyshot and look like this with adjustments to glass and plastic materials and of course lighting.
Curious as to how you go about making the bristles.
Thank you. I split the parts where hair needs to be implanted (tufted) on the surface of the toothbrush head in Rhino, set the layers, and then materialized it in Keyshot using the fuzz material and its settings.