Set up a TextEntity with, or without a dimstyle with a TextHeight other than 1 and try to get the BoundingBox via .GetBoundingBox(). The result will be a bounding box with a height of 1.
Also, that is not only the text’s height that is wrong, but also the text’s alignement:
Hi, I did a few more tests, and the text alignment issue was from my code.
Here is a code sample showing the boundingbox drawn with a height of 1 when the text’s height is 12:
Protected Overrides Function RunCommand(ByVal doc As RhinoDoc, ByVal mode As RunMode) As Result
'Creates/updates the DimStyle
Dim NewDimStyleSettings = New Rhino.DocObjects.DimensionStyle()
NewDimStyleSettings.TextHeight = 12
NewDimStyleSettings.TextHorizontalAlignment = TextHorizontalAlignment.Center
NewDimStyleSettings.LeaderTextVerticalAlignment = TextVerticalAlignment.Bottom
NewDimStyleSettings.Name = "TestDimStyle"
NewDimStyleSettings.DimensionScale = 1
DimStyle = doc.DimStyles.FindName("TestDimStyle")
Dim DimStyleIndex As Integer = -1
If DimStyle Is Nothing Then
DimStyleIndex = doc.DimStyles.Add("TestDimStyle")
DimStyle = doc.DimStyles.FindIndex(DimStyleIndex)
DimStyleIndex = DimStyle.Index
End If
doc.DimStyles.Modify(NewDimStyleSettings, DimStyleIndex, True)
'Pick a point
Dim pt1 As Point3d
Using getPointAction As New GetPoint()
getPointAction.SetCommandPrompt("Please select the point")
AddHandler getPointAction.DynamicDraw, AddressOf DynamicD
If getPointAction.[Get]() <> GetResult.Point Then
RhinoApp.WriteLine("No end point was selected.")
Return getPointAction.CommandResult()
End If
pt1 = getPointAction.Point()
End Using
'Draw the result
Return Result.Success
End Function
Private Sub DynamicD(sender As Object, e As GetPointDrawEventArgs)
e.Display.DrawAnnotation(RsltTextEntity, Color.Blue)
'draw the boundingbox
For Each tp In RsltTextEntity.GetBoundingBox(RsltTextEntity.Plane).GetEdges
tp.Transform(RsltTextEntity.GetTextTransform(1, DimStyle))
e.Display.DrawLine(tp, Color.Red)
End Sub
Private RsltTextEntity As TextEntity = Nothing
Private Sub CreateTextEntity(ByVal location As Point3d)
Dim doc As RhinoDoc = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc
'Creates the TextEntity
RsltTextEntity = New TextEntity
RsltTextEntity.PlainText = "Hello World"
Dim p As Plane = Plane.WorldXY
p.Origin = location
RsltTextEntity.Plane = p
RsltTextEntity.TextHeight = 1
RsltTextEntity.Font = DimStyle.Font
RsltTextEntity.Justification = TextJustification.Center
RsltTextEntity.DimensionStyleId = DimStyle.Id
End Sub
End Class
Could it be because your text is in the model while mine isn’t? Although it would be weird, because, in my case the bounding box is really calculated, but with the wrong text height.
Hi @dale,
Sorry to reopen this old topic but I see that your bug report has been closed and it seems to me that it’s far to be solved.
It I use your code sample but with a different definition plane for the TextEntity this is what I get:
Full code
Protected Overrides Function RunCommand(ByVal doc As RhinoDoc, ByVal mode As RunMode) As Result
Dim view = doc.Views.ActiveView
If view Is Nothing Then Return Result.Failure
Dim plane = view.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane()
plane.Rotate(RhinoMath.ToRadians(30), view.ActiveViewport.ConstructionPlane.Normal)
Dim dimstyle = doc.DimStyles.FindName("TestDimStyle")
If dimstyle Is Nothing Then
dimstyle = New DimensionStyle With {
.TextHeight = 2,
.TextHorizontalAlignment = TextHorizontalAlignment.Center,
.LeaderTextVerticalAlignment = TextVerticalAlignment.Bottom,
.Name = "TestDimStyle",
.DimensionScale = 1,
.Font = New Rhino.DocObjects.Font("Book Antiqua")
Dim dimstyle_index = doc.DimStyles.Add(dimstyle, False)
If dimstyle_index >= 0 AndAlso dimstyle_index < doc.DimStyles.Count Then
dimstyle = doc.DimStyles(dimstyle_index)
Return Result.Failure
End If
End If
Dim text_entity = TextEntity.Create("Hello Rhino!", plane, dimstyle, False, 0, 0)
Dim box = Nothing
Dim bbox = text_entity.GetBoundingBox(text_entity.Plane, box)
Dim corners = box.GetCorners()
Dim points = New Point3d() {corners(0), corners(1), corners(2), corners(3), corners(0)}
Dim log = Nothing
Return Result.Success
End Function
It appears this is still an open issue. The only workaround I can suggest at the moment is to make a copy of the object, transform it to the world-xy plane, do the bounding box calculation, and then transom the box corner points back to the text’s plane.
I think this is the best temporary solution and I’ve finally managed to make this work properly.
I’ve found another related bug: if I try to duplicate the TextEntity (text_entity.Duplicate) the result always goes wrong.
For information if anyone else is interested, this is my workaround code, it works quite well:
Public Function GetTextEntityRectangle(ByRef text_entity As TextEntity) As PolylineCurve
Dim TE_P As Plane = text_entity.Plane
text_entity.Plane = Plane.WorldXY
Dim _box As Box = Nothing
Dim bbox As BoundingBox = text_entity.GetBoundingBox(text_entity.Plane, _box)
Dim corners As Point3d() = _box.GetCorners()
Dim points As New Rhino.Collections.Point3dList({corners(0), corners(1), corners(2), corners(3), corners(0)})
points.Transform(Transform.ChangeBasis(TE_P, Plane.WorldXY))
text_entity.Plane = TE_P
Return (New Polyline(points)).ToPolylineCurve
End Function
@603419608 (Naruto) Thanks for your solution, I used this as a temporary fix on another project but it is really slow when I need hundreds of TextEntities’ bounding boxes.