"Text" input in the "serial dimension" component

I have created a simple version of an element of a model I creating. I wish to add text formatting to the text input of the serial dimension component. The model is constructed as below:

The result is:


I notice that both the {0:0.0} and the {1:0.00} place holders with formatting inherit the X component of the “points” input formatting as constructed.

I have tried many ways to make the text read as follows:

X0 = 0.00 mm
X1 = 5.00 mm
X2 = 10.00 mm

This gives each dimension a label based on the index of the points list and allows me to reference the dimensions easily as I easily read the index instead of counting from the 0 point. I cannot make the Serial Dimension component use the serial number of the list, or input the index list some how by combining it with the points list.

Is what I am trying to achieve not possible due to the fact that Serial Dimension component only accepts points and loses the index number?

Here is the gh file:

Serial Dimension.gh (11.4 KB)


It’s somewhat an awkward solution but if it’s the way you want it, wouldn’t it be okay? :sweat_smile:

Serial Dimension_re.gh (13.4 KB)

Many Thanks,

The key take away from your solution is:

  1. List item Using the “Format” component allows several place holders to be be combined into one text item before being passed to the “Serial Dimension” component.

  2. List item The simplification of the “construct point” component output may not be needed.

  3. List item Grafting the “Points” input of the “Serial Dimension” component is necessary but removes the dimension lines and replaces them with dimension points, hence the need for the “Linear Dimension” component.

  4. List item Grafting the “Text” input of the “Serial Dimension” component is necessary to prevent overlaying text.

This meets my goal :slightly_smiling_face: and has clarified the “Text” input format, Grafting use and “Format” component use in the “Serial Dimension” component.

Thanks again.