Testing GH-scripts best practice


Is there a best practice method for testing complete GH-scripts? Or an overview of the options? Preferably for a large amount of pre-set combinations of parameters which I will make myself. I sense there is some standard way to do it, but I can’t seem to find it yet.

My goal is to do extensive testing of complete scripts before they become available to colleagues in the engineering company. What I have in mind is to hand over the script and combinations of parameters (and expected solutions) to the software developers (who have not worked with GH before). They will test it. But we are looking for the best way to do it.



Define the possible source values that each input can take to define the combinations of the parameter space you want to test, and with a Numeric Slider and List Item, select each source value and plug it to its input, so with a integer slider you can set a controlled input space and get the input-output pairs easily.

You can use the Assert component of my Tenrec plugin to have a visual error if your output doesn’t meet some conditions.

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